Welcome Students!

Hi Students, welcome to my blog!

I am so excited to be teaching you all this year and I am certain that we will reach new heights of academic achievements. Together, we will have lots of fun learning math! I will be updating this blog regularly with assignments and class information. Please check back often. You can click on the links above to read specific information for your grade.

Parents, currently all of my students have received their user-name and password to an online program called IXL / Khanacademy.org which can be accessed at home!  I highly suggest that you ask your students to show you this program to see how it can help them practice their math skills.

This class does not give homework!  If a student does take work home it is their choice and their responsibility to make sure it is turned in the next day.

Tutoring may be scheduled by appointment as needed; just ask Dr. Sharma

If you have any questions, I am easy to reach.  Send an email to vineeta.sharma@cobbk12.org